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pet quality-($80) this just means that you can't show or breed your bunny because it doesn't come with a pedigree

breeding/show quality-($100) this means that the bunny comes with a pedigree and because of that you can entire it into shows or breed it

on hold-a person is interested in the bunny but hasn't given me a deposit ( 48 hours to make a decision if you want the bunny or not)

sold-someone has put down  half the asking price on the bunny (deposit)

available-means the bunny has not found his or hers forever home

waiting list- this just means that you might have to wait a little while until you can get a bunny. i may have to many people interested at the time but not even bunnies.


Hi everyone! We have a few Jerseys for S

Name: Jersey

Breed: Jersey Wooly 

Pedigree: Yes

Jersey is still young and could be used for breeding but she is also a sweet heart. I certainly am only interested in doing Holland lops so I am getting out of this breed, I am just too busy for two breeds at the moment.  Jersey is looking for a loving and caring new family. She has a great personality and could be a great addition to someones herd or home. If interested please go to the contact page and submitted a form!

Other than the Jersey above, I do not have any bunnies for sale. This summer I might have a few older Holland Lops for sale but I don't have any litters planned at the moment. Any questions, just contact me. 

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